The team at Nightingale Care has three decades of providing Quality, Compassionate Nursing in the Comfort of Home
How We Work
Dedication to excellence in health care provided by honest, responsible and respectful people.
Commitment to a continuously improving and safe workplace that encourages creativity, innovation, clear career paths, and personal growth.
Striving to be the care-giver of choice for our patients and their families, the employer of choice for our co-workers, and a model of integrity, excellence and innovation for our industry.
Our History
More than thirty years ago, under the name Florence Nightingale Nursing, our founder started treating the most vulnerable patients, in the safety and comfort of their own homes. Her loving husband carried the torch for more than three decades. Under new management, the agency values and philosophy of patient care remain steadfast: quality and compassionate healthcare in the familiar and comfortable setting – home

Our philosophy
The team at Nightingale Care believes that every human being is unique and created in the image of God. As such, persons are to be valued and respected; individual differences are expected and unique talents are enhanced. This agency is dedicated to rehabilitating ill, aged, and disabled individuals in order that they may maximize their contributions and fulfill their goals as a family member of society. In accomplishing this end, we believe that the self-respect of the individual can and will be enhanced.
Health is not only the absence of disease and/or infirmity, but also the state of physical, mental, and social well-being. Care to each client is holistic (supporting mental, physical, and spiritual needs), client centered, family oriented and coordinated with community resources.
The staff at Nightingale Care are committed to scientifically based therapeutic activities, which support the medical diagnosis and treatment of human response to actual or potential health threats. Thus, health is the focus of clinical care not as an end itself, but as a means to life which is meaningful as defined by the individual.
The agency also is a vital member of its community. As an employer and service organization, Nightingale Care strives to provide opportunities for personal and professional growth. As an integral part of the business community, our agency makes every effort to serve the people with attention to cutting edge practices and specific needs.